Monday, November 5, 2007


Duration: 02:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-05 20:32:21
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Here is a great compilation of the REPUBLICAN FEAR MACHINE harping on their favorite things, 9/11 and Terrorists. Can they get any dumber?


BloggerMusicMan ::: Favorites
LOL at 1:55. This video pretty much sums it up.
07-11-02 13:21:32
detroitfan39 ::: Favorites
at 2:20, it's a Democrat, not a Republican
07-11-01 20:38:34
JoeTFriday ::: Favorites
You can do this kind of cheap-shot editing with any part of the political spectrum you want to ridicule. Grow up.
07-10-27 01:40:20
hiimallen ::: Favorites
07-10-10 03:15:46
Gettinghitonattheban ::: Favorites
Saddam- Who is sane ;]
07-09-02 10:39:17
BobTKaye ::: Favorites
It's one of mankind's greatest tragedies that we tend to go with our heart over our head. We know what to do, but it's hard to be passionate about it unless we're afraid, angry or otherwise manipulated.
07-08-16 12:50:08
MaxSafeheaD ::: Favorites
I can only imagine the mess they would make of it lol! I just worry we don't seem to get angry enough, often enough.
07-08-16 12:42:20
BobTKaye ::: Favorites
I think that the ID card scheme isn't that popular tbh. The main debate over it is that it can be used as id at pubs or something instead of having to bring your passport or driving license, but the major downside of government incompetence combined with massive reliance on an untried largely pointless system means that it will never be popular.
07-08-16 08:52:03
MaxSafeheaD ::: Favorites
Well I still found my friends acceptance of ythe proposed ID card scheme scary. I'm also pretty pissed off at the amount of money being wasted on all this security when it should be going on diplomacy efforts, (secular) charity and international bridge building. I take you point about the patriot act though.
07-08-15 16:01:32
BobTKaye ::: Favorites
Not really. Our rights and freedoms haven't been affected that much as we have seen what happened when the Americans let the Patriot Act pass. That and the majority of English people have been opposed to this war from the beginning.
07-08-15 09:27:13

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