Wednesday, December 19, 2007

another massive crackdown explosion

Duration: 00:8 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-06 15:01:30
User: cookybiscuit
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another  massive  crackdown  explosionthis  time  its  bigger  


this time its bigger


Other Video Blog Entries

mickey mouse
ЭХО МОСКВЫ - С. Доренко в "Особом мнении" - Э.Геворкян - 1/2
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16-11-07 完全娱乐 斗牛要不要 角色介绍 - 金子聪
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Youtube Poop- The Big Happy Caveman Gay Sex Adventure
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Tiesto DC 09/15 - 01
이산 ep. 12 part 3.avi
my chemical romance-helena.


i wanna grow old with you by b()nEs to bEv ann escubio ;)

Duration: 08:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-30 01:06:04
User: jho24g
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adam  sandler  drew  barimore  wedding  singer  love  bEv  ann  escubio  


video clip from the movie of the wedding singer. starring adam sandler and drew barimore


jho24g ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 02:17:57

i'm wishing that the wish u wished f()r me wiLL d() c()mE truE.. :D L()ve y()u bAby...

Other Video Blog Entries

Random Songs 2
Guy Sebastian live acoustic performance of "Angels"
Express Yourself Commercial -- "Friends"
men's 1500 (stand day 169)
What if God was Stephanie?
Original US Vanilla Sky Trailer
Fileman Covers "Thank You"
Microsoft Xbox Headquarter Cafeteria
Graffiti Legends - JA
Sasuke V.S Naruto Batalla Final Whit You-Linkin Park
All Heart Pet Rescue - 86 (ADOPTED...Thank you Youtube)
R-Type Cameo - Steambot Chronicles (PS2)
Frango de Helton no Estrela Amadora 2 -FC Porto 2
The Atheist Delusion Part 1
The SCV Split - RTS Professional
wannabe spice girls song
Diddily-Winda-Game Dance
super mario rpg
Jools Holland interviews Stewart Copeland (The Police)


Runescape-music video-Bet on it

Duration: 05:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-09 17:34:00
User: Nightninja3
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Bet  Music  vid  


This was made using the game RuneScape (A registered trademark of JaGex LTD.) I do not intend to make money or anything from this video, and it is completely owned by JaGex LTD. (more) my first music vid so take it easy on me..


Nightninja3 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 22:41:46

awsome i just hit 1,000 views my first music video wit 1k views WOOT!
kylinho11 ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 10:50:59

lol remember me?, i was the 1 who wanted to be in 1 of ur vids..
Nightninja3 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 21:50:08

i don't remember who u r lol
kylinho11 ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 11:32:40

im his friend on runescape :D :D
runescapebff ::: Favorites  2007-10-20 21:33:41

nah guys wtach my videos my videos are way better
weaselvic ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 19:59:54

whatev...pretty kool.
KillinChris ::: Favorites  2007-10-06 20:38:10

princesscutie807884 ::: Favorites  2007-10-05 22:54:43

you spelled answers wrong!!lol!!!!
princesscutie807884 ::: Favorites  2007-10-05 22:53:03

mithril140 ::: Favorites  2007-09-24 20:17:31

BabyCheckU ::: Favorites  2007-09-22 13:00:30

lol i was pmsl at the end it wuz so halarious lyk so weird i actually laf'd :/
LukePiewaker ::: Favorites  2007-09-21 22:44:18

there was really no need for the end
cb1994 ::: Favorites  2007-09-21 20:02:05

lmao yes you did know camera was on but not vid for first timer =)
0r30muff1n ::: Favorites  2007-09-16 00:53:28

i made a bet on it vid 2!! watch mine =}---bet on it rs music vid
Nightninja3 ::: Favorites  2007-09-11 11:12:24


Other Video Blog Entries

Squishing theory for garyx1...yo
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Extreme 505
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Re: Michael Moore's Challenge to Democratic Candidates
NBA muggsy bogues blue hornet
Halloween Classic
The Hardest Part Of Breaking Up
Survivor Fiji
My Icon #4
um....Liberation Choir? o-o Naruto
Letters To Kyon
Académica 0-1 Porto (Bwin Liga 07/08)
YouTube Poop: Just another WTF video...
Hyde - Dolly [Faith Live]



Duration: 08:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-27 22:36:27
User: znzprod
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sketch  parody  nerd  geek  dork  internet  dating  hot  chick  


A nerd tries to get a date with a hot chick via an internet dating site. Will he succeed?


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Ted's Monte Carlo v.2
Roukinette chasse les ombres
Soulja Boy--Crank That Soulja Boy
Nirvana-All Apologies-Reading festival 1992
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Mortal Kombat Conquest Episode 4 - Immortal Kombat - 3 of 4
US Soccer - My look back at 2007
It's Hard Being Ridiculously Good-Looking
Kanji dictionary for Nintendo DS
Ultraseven - Prisioneiro Espacial (dublagem original) "A"
Woodenships(CSN cover)
Naruto - Movin' on
Re: The LowLife Page
Donald - Três convidados
Salmon Cor de Rosa
What you know Music Video
god Damn haha
Wal Mart made my ROOT BEER EXPLODE!


Cartoni Animati: Tyltyl, Mytyl e l'uccellino azzurro

Duration: 01:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-24 18:28:45
User: kissmelicia
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cartoni  animati  tyltyl  mytyl  uccellino  azzurro  giorgia  lepore  


Sigla del cartone animato. Cantato da Giorgia Lepore


ZiaLillona ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 09:08:53

A brescianello: ho visto miliardi di volte la cassetta "L'uccellino azzurro" dove i due fratelli poveretti viaggiano nel tempo su una ciabattona; gli zuccheri, il latte, armadi e scope si animano...dannatamente, non riesco a trovarla...tra l'altro ero terrorizzata da quello stregone mezzo uomo/mezza donna!!
sirenette ::: Favorites  2007-10-14 15:05:52

Hai ragione! Personalmente tali cartoni, spesso ripresi da classici della letteratura per ragazzi, insegnavano tanti buoni propositi o ti facevano innamorare con i loro personaggi affascinanti...adesso tutti mostri creati al computer con storie senza senso fatte apposta per vendere dards,gadgets..etc...che schifo!
sirenette ::: Favorites  2007-10-14 15:03:45

Ma anche questo cartone è di Matsumoto vero? ( Vedi Capitan Harlock e Galaxy Express 999 ) Comunque è rarissimo da trovare..che storia è bellissima ed un classico ( esiste anche una versione cinematografica Holliwoodiana) Parla di due bambini , una gatta ed un cane, alla ricerca di un uccellino magico che salverà la vita ai genitori...solo che ero troppo piccola e non mi ricordo altro :(
SimplyUnica ::: Favorites  2007-10-11 19:47:24

venkman80 ::: Favorites  2007-10-11 17:39:31

Ragà ma vi rendete conto che fortuna aver potuto seguire questi cartoni negli anni '80 e queste meravigliose sigle? Giorgia Lepore, Guido&Maurizio de Angelis, Mitzi Amoroso, Douglas Meakin, i Cavalieri del Re, i fratelli Balestra! Poveri bambini del 21° secolo, cosa si perdono...
CarloSlayer79 ::: Favorites  2007-09-17 11:40:13

Una pietra miliare della mia infanzia Grazie 1000
KatrinaBlackraven ::: Favorites  2007-08-16 15:15:05

finalmente l'ho trovato!!!!
orsogioioso ::: Favorites  2007-06-19 07:37:59

Se non erro il cartone animato a cui ti riferisci è: "Il fantastico mondo di Paul" prova a cercarlo in YouTube e vedrai che lo trovi Spero di esserti stato utile Ciao
brescianello ::: Favorites  2007-06-17 08:15:10

ma era questo il cartone in cui un fratello e sua sorella andavano in gire in un mondo fantastico a borda di una ciabattona volante? nessuno che io conosco se lo ricorda o l'ha mai visto... cerco delucidazioni perche non ricordo bene
paolostarvaggi ::: Favorites  2007-06-14 10:04:51

Il primo cartone mandato in onda in "Bim bum bam" gestione Bonolis-Colò-Uan, nel settembre '83
banditpaolino1200 ::: Favorites  2007-06-01 18:58:35

me lo ricordo anch'io...Le canzoni erano così belle che venivano usate persino per le ninna nanne.... pensa oggi con le schifezze che ci sono...ecco perchè i bimbi non dormono :-)
GdC743 ::: Favorites  2007-05-11 07:30:59

ludeg ::: Favorites  2007-04-28 21:19:39

Non ricordo il cartone animato...solo la sigla, perchè me la cantava mia mamma per farmi dormire...che bello averla trovata!Grazie!!!
Rayne1976 ::: Favorites  2007-04-25 08:55:57

Come mi piaceva questo cartone...

Other Video Blog Entries

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Beatbox Battle Number One
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Scotland Part 3, Scottish Cooking!
Up In Smoke
Magic World Championships 2006 Semi Finals Part 10


♫ Słowiańskie Dziewczyny śpiewają ♫

Duration: 03:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-28 00:15:30
User: chengomonk
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Zwróć uwagę na Podobieństwo języków słowiańskich.


mariuszxxx ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 19:00:13

jebane disko ruskie cycate kurewki dobre do ruchania a nie do spiewania :)
frondowiec ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 17:55:12

Po prostu uważam , że słowiańszczyzna zasługuje na lepszą reprezentację . Wpisz w wyszukiwarce you tube : Pelageya - Ptashechka (live) od 3lowbeat no i .. przepraszam za kotka i młotek :))
chengomonk ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 17:21:52

Dziewczyny Śpiewają piosenkę, jakie sorki? To jest internet, youtube, ludzie wrzucaja filmy o różnej treści. "Pierdolenie kotka za pomoca młotka", to prymitywne powiedzonko za przeproszeniem i jest tutaj nienamiejscu. Ni do rymu ni do taktu...Zastanów się co piszesz i wyjaśnij co masz na myśli!
chengomonk ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 17:21:04

"Sorki", ale Książki z języków słowiańskich, historii i tradycji kłaniają się tutaj wielu. Klapki z oczu. A po zatym Co Twój komentarz ma do piosenki śpiewanej przez Słowiańskie Dziewczyny, że "Rosjanie mają swoje laski"?
frondowiec ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 13:01:21

Nie no sorki . Rosjanie mają swoje laski - my mamy swoje , ale w warstwie muzycznej to jest za przeproszeniem takie pierdolenie kotka za pomoca młotka .
Goat344 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 14:55:32

RFY2Q: A rosjanki to nie słowianki?
RFY2Q ::: Favorites  2007-12-02 16:58:18

Toz to Rosjanki a litery na dole to Chinskie tlumaczenie !
chengomonk ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 01:15:42

Mają nazwę nawet jesli by to byl pojedyńczy występ:) tyle ze niepamietam jak sie nazywaja.
Goat344 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 14:11:39

Mają jakąś nazwę, czy to był pojedyńczy występ?

Other Video Blog Entries

Fruits Basket Funny Icons
Family Guy Tryout
Shiranui (Top Rope)
Someone Had to Say It #4: NASCAR
Namine&Kairi - Utada Boulavard of Broken Dreams
My Disappearing Act
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Joe Scarborough Excited By Mika Brzezinski
Kirby - Welcome (Digi Charat fantasy)
Yaprak Dökümü 52.Bölüm 5.Kısım - 5 Aralık 2007
大小愛吃 - 天兵媽咪來上菜 part1


random pract

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-11 13:51:13
User: bighairozana
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the nutz practising la!


Other Video Blog Entries

FässchenTag feat. Maxwell pt. 4
DOA 4 - DIRECTV CGS (Championship Gaming Series)
Fire Keeps You Warm
lex luger 2nd wcw theme
Kataang ♥ - My Heart Will Go On ♥
the marocain michael jackson 2
Re: DoNt Be ShY - Episode #4
The BEST wedding dance ever
Candy Man
Tips For Men On Avoiding Rejection - Episode 1
Arm played Ranard
We Got Death Star
The doors~ hello i love you
Tokio Hotel with girls
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The legendary wisdom of Studs Turkel- 3/5
CSI: NY - A Wild Ride
The View - Face For Radio
210- green #2,..Malmsteen,... I'll See The Light Tonight


James Quall- "Beach Blast"!

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-08 00:06:06
User: thekockyroach
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

tim  and  eric  awesome  show  great  job  coma  episode  205  


Courtesy of


ketchupdespot ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 03:02:44

:45 is a rock and roll face teenagers will emulate in the mirror while practicing guitar for years to come!
glennrox ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 21:03:13

Hey, I'm only 12 and this is the single most hilarious show I've ever seen. I love evry skit from uncle Muscles to James Quall!
boratIII ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 19:03:27

antgf ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 17:14:31

jack off
metamano ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 20:54:57

hhahahah im actualy 13 too
boratIII ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 20:31:34

HEYYYYYY IM 13 AND THIS IS LIKE MY FAVORITE SHOW, well no my favorite show is also on adult swim ATHF!!!!! thats the funniest show ever, BUT ASIDE THAT THIS SHOW IS AWESOME
slide301 ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 12:03:53

00:46 and 00:59 best faces ever!
metamano ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 23:48:26

did i also forget that most people that hate realy famouse people have terrible videos or absolutely none XD
fjlj480 ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 23:19:17

people that don't like my show are 12. i'm guessing that you're 14? tim and eric's newer shows have been not nearly as good as the first season, and you're retarded
B00stD ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 23:19:25

jerk off
leo7278 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 21:43:07

Your right this show is awesome my friends like it and i do to kids these days all they think is funny are things that have plot lines
beatlem650 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 16:17:29

whatever, youre probably like a 13year old pimply face retard
metamano ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 12:37:59

people who hate tim and eric just dont know what there point of comedy is there probobly just a bunch of 12 or 13 year olds
locdogx ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 02:57:44

DUnDUNDUnDUnDUnDUnDUnDUNDUnDUNDUnDUnDUn Were gonna have the best timeyet a summer that well never forget all over malibbuuuu there will be so much to doooo we just arrived at the shooreeee well surf the biggest waves and moreeee this we can forecast itll be a blassstttttt dundundundundudnudnudn!!! hey thats all i gotta say about that and if you dont like it than you shouldnt talk all your hanky panky up in this mug
beatlem650 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 00:44:30

"booo hooo, i hate people that hate shitty tv shows likethis" - all you idiots here crying about it

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Bach - BWV 147 - 3 - Bereite dir, Jesu, noch itzo die Bahn

Duration: 04:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-18 13:37:10
User: jormundgard
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Aria  Cantata  147  Johann  Sebastian  Bach  Nikolaus  Harnoncourt  


Aria from Cantata No.147 by Johann Sebastian Bach. Conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Bereite dir, Jesu, noch itzo die Bahn Mein Heiland, erwähle Die gläubende Seele Und siehe mit Augen der Gnaden mich an!


ludfic ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 13:58:23

What a sublime aria! The violinist is playing with his soul. The whole cantata is a delight to listen to. Thank you for posting this.

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