Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fat Or Die 2007/03/24 2 of 14

Duration: 02:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-29 14:41:13

Fat Or Die at Heaven's Door, Sangenjaya, Tokyo, Japan 2007/03/24 2 of 14


Cronica Pirry: Carrera de Aventura 2/2

Duration: 01:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-25 23:48:53

Carrera de aventura en la q participa un equipo conformado por Colombianos.


Don't drive my car

Duration: 04:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-14 11:17:31

woman parking a car... 'nuff said. Montagem by Carapaus com Chantilly


infusion26  2008-02-21 16:25:15

She needs something smaller than her Lincoln Town Car !
vitorlau7  2008-01-16 04:15:41

lol after all the work
bastuson  2007-07-04 18:09:52

ahahaha idiot
zenderwahit  2007-05-11 21:10:22

fdx, priceless!!!!!!!!!!!
sykotoy  2007-05-03 17:26:07


UFO Crash

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-14 11:29:49

UFO Crash


fivedinners  2008-03-25 09:57:17

anakinpaul  2008-03-22 17:14:41

jajajajajaja good very good
benzb0y  2008-03-16 23:31:50

loll very very funny..lololol
sweetpurplebutterfly  2008-03-16 05:40:16

hahahahahahaha, they always full of shit but very entertaining.
bretert  2008-03-15 14:32:03

HAHA best joke ever

do you believe in magic? bill cosby does.

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-01 23:47:53

this is where marigold and marla practice magic with bill cosby and turn marigold's mom into morgan freeman! then we party like its 1807! and then we die a little inside.


Re: Very Funny Cats Part 14

Duration: 00:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-05 03:47:05

Video Cam Direct Upload


Selph94  2008-03-07 03:33:44

lol..? :V i dun no wuz tew say?
Hazza105  2008-03-06 23:47:26

u fault for clicking on da vid then typing a comment
NukeA6  2008-03-06 20:21:16

Sometimes I wish the V for Vendetta guy wore a different mask.
GoldenBoy64  2008-03-06 20:10:42

o ur bad u bot the same mask as madV =0
NhojToast  2008-03-05 19:42:18

13 seconds of my life i cant get back..

Crocomire Glitch

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-24 22:52:50

Yep. Another glitch.


kfhklghlhgk  2008-01-28 20:14:40

scantyrevery  2008-01-28 10:31:29

Maybe it's because you're not supposed to have the grapple beam prior to facing that boss. :/
EliaForce1984ita  2008-01-27 12:39:05


Dennis Kucinich Announces he's running for re-election!

Duration: 10:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-10 13:15:10

Video by Chad Ely


TrevaLynVF  2008-01-17 07:53:35

If not the White House (Thanks to fascist plutocrats), then the US House. Please, Ohio! If we don't have Prez. Kucinich, then keep him in the House. He's the only one that's been consistently fighting for us all. If that's the way it goes, I'll just write his name on my ballot anyway.
GalapagoLarry  2008-01-16 18:10:50

Progressives! Please! What's this business about Paul? He's further to the right than George the Hun II. Stick to the issues. Yes, thank Paul for pissing off the Republicans, but, please, don't even think of him as a democratic American.
alchemyrox  2008-01-15 19:45:12

so does that mean hes dropin out of the presidential race?
4dr13nn3  2008-01-15 08:00:28

I'm not sure if you realize this, EvulOrange, but Ron Paul, for all he says he wants states and communities to decide this issue for themselves, has previous introduced legislation attempting to make abortion murder at the federal level. Sounds like quite a restriction.
ToddBoyle  2008-01-14 17:50:57

Dennis-- we love you but, you need to pick up the pace, and get directly into issues faster. Finally at 6:00 you're doing it right. Also--- maybe you're not noticing but you're deepening your voice. Let your voice relax. Be who you really are-- and talk faster-- Its an ADHD nation, short attention spans.

Culture Show - Homer Simpson in the ground (13.10.07)

Duration: 02:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-01 12:50:54

Alan Partridge-sounding Andrew Graham Dixon takes a look at the Cerne Abbas giant carved into the ground as well as the one of Homer Simpson that now sits next to it to promote the Simpsons movie.


AlexisCapri  2008-01-20 17:07:44

That Homer Simpson thing is an abomination

ORION [FantasiiNek0]

Duration: 05:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-09 19:38:11

The very first duet between Fantasiimaker (aozorafantasii) and I. We had planned on singing a duet together for a LONG, LONG while, but it was a little hard to choose a song. We finally settled on 'ORION', originally by Paradise Go!Go! and after listening to it on and off, it REALLY grew on me and I felt I could be expressive with this song and went ahead to record it at the start of Spring Break. Within a couple of days or so, we finally finished the duet. The moment the duet had been finished, we were talking about it and she suggested that I post it. Man, Fantasiimaker's soft, warming vocals definitely own me hard~ I love the differences in our vocals, though, still. I think it adds a nice contrast. But, please do enjoy our duet~ It's very, very special to me. Comments and critique appreciated. o_O;; I suppose. Though it's back from March. --- Vocals by: Fantasiimaker/aozorafantasii and SakuraNek0 Mixed by: Nano Images from: Kannazuki no Miko, Utena, Strawberry Panic, Tsubasa Chronicles, Maria-sama ga Miteru, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, and various images of Orion --- Original song copyrighted to their respective owners.


SakuraNek0  2008-03-24 21:00:21

Thanks. :3
8002msp  2008-03-24 20:04:54

So beautiful!!
SakuraNek0  2008-02-11 03:19:33

I'm glad. <3 Thank you.
happyseashell  2008-02-08 23:18:56

I love this very much. It truly made my day. :)
xXSxyDemonessXx  2008-01-19 00:04:23

hahaha, it's ok, but honestly, you guys shud go pro :DDDD