Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jose - Wal-Mart Employee

Duration: 00:35 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-06 12:16:23
User: bravenewfilms
:::: Favorites

"Not Wal-Mart Commercials" -- bonus videos from "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price"

musfrek66 ::: Favorites
how can you LIKE wal-mart?!??! they force there imployees to work over time with no pay, they lower standards in other country's and force the goverment to pay for the workers health care. AND they are anti-union! how do you call that good??
07-07-19 14:04:45
124exp ::: Favorites
07-08-03 04:00:42
jeffrop6691 ::: Favorites
I love wal*mart. :)
07-08-04 00:10:30
Fukkensaved ::: Favorites
Holy shit, you are deluded. Wal-Mart does not ever force its employees to work overtime for free, I have no freaking idea where you got that. I worked at Wal-Mart for 5 years, and I've never seen that happen. Every company forces the Government to pay for their employee's healthcare and Wal-Mart may be anti-union, but I was a cashier for 8 years total, and I'm completely anti-union.
07-08-07 21:09:02
Fukkensaved ::: Favorites
Frankly, if you just don't like the way they do business, don't work there and don't shop there. It's that easy. The reason Wal-Mart "sweatshops" are so successful in recruiting people in foreign countries is that they provide better pay and better working conditions far above what the average is in that area.
07-08-07 21:15:32
othermidgar ::: Favorites
fuck you and your union learn how to fuckin spell and go to hell u little pussy and also we dont want your little bitch ass in wal mart sammi22896 and screw
07-08-10 21:05:21
gaae2000 ::: Favorites
...firstable, ur a cashier = No Brains!!! closed. Go farming in the midwest so they dont hire illegal immigrants, do somethin for the country man.
07-08-14 16:52:58
Fukkensaved ::: Favorites
Wow, that is probably the most ignorant comment I've seen on youtube. You don't know anything about me, and yet, you assume I'm stupid? I could just derive how stupid you are much more logically from your ability to type, but I won't, because I'm not the arrogant asshole that you are.
07-08-15 03:51:35
Fukkensaved ::: Favorites
I have been a cashier since I was 16. I have used it as a job to put me through college, and I just completed my Masters in Statistical Analysis, and going for my PH.D currently. What are your credentials, smart guy?
07-08-15 03:51:45
brooksmc ::: Favorites
u forgot the whip.
07-08-15 22:15:01

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